We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Towards Our Goal
Recurring Donors
The 5K Run, Walk or Roll has grown each year. Last year, $67,000 was raised. With your help this year, we can and will raise at least $75,000. LET'S DO IT!
Compete on your own event, recruit family and friends to participate, or plan an in-person event for others in your area. Can’t Run, Walk, or Roll? How about calculating the time you spend stretching, exercising, swimming or going to physical therapy? Set a goal to do at least one hour of exercise. Split your time up over several days or weeks if you need to. Whatever is best for you. Make sure you check with your healthcare professional before doing anything you are not used to.
You can participate any time now through the end of Oct, but we challenge you to complete your fundraising by Aug 27th so we can celebrate as a group during SPF Awareness Week, which starts Aug 20th. Race bibs will be mailed as soon as you register and contribute $25. T-shirts will be mailed as soon as each participant raises/contributes at least $100. Please remember that only registered participants will receive a complementary t-shirt once qualified. This is a thank you for your help in raising much needed funds for HSP & PLS research.
Click the Start Fundraising button to set up your personal fundraising page, visit this site to see more details and start raising funds. Grab a photo to upload, create a personal message to ask for donations, and set a goal. Not sure how much you can raise? Start with a goal of $500. You might be surprised. You can always increase your goal as you succeed. You can view your personal page anytime to see how much you have raised and any special messages that donors may have left for you. Be creative and have fun! There were some participants from last year that used mobility devices to participate. At least two swam their way to raising funds for medical research. Take photos and videos and share on social media.
If you would like to host a 5K event or have questions, please email jim.sheorn@sp-foundation.org You will be emailed a "How to Plan a 5K guide", which will provide a step-by-step process to get ready for your event. Please do not get overwhelmed. If this is your first time planning an event like this, start small. Invite family and friends this year. Invite more next year.
Go to Awareness Week on the SPF website for more information on HSP & PLS Awareness Week.
August 20-27, 2023; click here: SPF Awareness Week
Help others and Spastic Paraplegia Foundation raise awareness and funds for Medical Research by Starting a Fundraiser today!
Thank you and Good Luck!
Help Us Find
Recurring Donors
Your Friend Here!
Giving $50 Per MonthYou can help us get more recurring donations by starting a fundraiser!
29 people have already started fundraising for this campaign!
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A Smarter Donation Page
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Automated Notifications & Emails
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