SPFoundation NJ Ambassadors

SPFoundation NJ Ambassadors's Fundraiser

Help us continue to chase a cure for Spastic Paraplegia! image

Help us continue to chase a cure for Spastic Paraplegia!

Your tax deductible donation can make our dream of a cure for Spastic Paraplegia a reality.


$14,678 towards $25,000

Please support the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation 6th annual “5k Run, Walk, Swim, Ride or Roll fundraising event” to raise funds to finance research to find a cure for two groups of progressive neurological disorders - Heredity Spastic Paraplegia (HSP) and Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS). These rare diseases lacks funding for research from the federal government that primarily patronize large patients/illness demographics.

You can learn more about the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation @ https://sp-foundation.org/

Your donations will go a long way to helping us meet our fundraising goal.