Lori Renna Linton's Fundraiser
We Need You to support research to find a cure for HSP and PLS.
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
This is what I wrote last November and it's still the same but there's an addition at the bottom:
My nickname in middle school used to be Runner... a play on Renna. Also, I was a pretty fast, actual runner. That is not the case now. I was diagnosed with (Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia) HSP in 2008. My mother and my uncle have had this for over 20 years. My cousin also has HSP.
The first sign that something wasn't right with me was when I went jogging and my right foot kept getting caught on the pavement. Then, when my son was 2 years old, he ran towards the street and I couldn't go after him. It is now 2016. I use hiking sticks outside every day. I use the walls in my house (they are filthy).
This is what I want: I want to be able play soccer with Jack (he plays ice hockey but there's no way I'm playing that sport) and go running with Bella. Two years ago, a person seeing me walk would have thought, "damn, that lady's had a bit too much to drink". Now, a person might have to do a double-take to make sure I'm not an 85 year old lady, walking with hiking sticks.
This disease progresses to the point of not being able to walk. Yet, that is not going to happen. I have every confidence that we will find a cure for this disease. Scientists are closer than ever to finding a cure but, as with everything, money is needed. I am asking for your help.
Here's the addition. This is what has changed since last year:
- In 2014, I and a colleague started Potato Pants (PP). We raised €6,000. In April 2017, my students and I made a movie for Casey Neistat, featuring him wearing PP. That was our campaign to get him to come to the Vienna City Marathon. He didn't come but we made a slammin' effort.
- We had a Potato Pants booth at the Vienna Sports World. We raised over €5,000.
- I made a PP presentation in Sardinia, Italy at the EuroHSP GA.
- I made a small group PP presentation in Atlanta, Ga. at the SPF Annual Conference.
- I am a Special Advisor to the Euro HSP organization.
- I will organize the EuroHSP GA in Vienna in 2018.
- I am a patient representative for the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Disorders.
- I am still a Native English Speaking Teacher but I am now an English A: Literature teacher in the International Baccalaureate program.
As you see in the photo for this fundraising page, We Need You. That is actually the only way this will get done.