John & Marjorie Cobb

John & Marjorie Cobb's Fundraiser

Help us raise money towards research for HSP and PLS image

Help us raise money towards research for HSP and PLS

Donate today to support the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$750 towards $1,000

Help us raise money towards research for HSP and PLS and Donate today to support the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation!

Join me in supporting real change. Let’s support good in the world and make a difference. Help us to raise funds to find a cure for #HSPandPLS through the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation.

Welcome to the SPF 5K Registration. There are 3 ways to REGISTER:
(1) Register by Donating through the main page “5K Fourth Annual Challenge for SPF” or
(2) Start your own Fundraising Team and change up your photos in the back-office, or
(3) Register by Donating to a Team account already created by your family or friends.

See these details for each of the three options:

(1) Register by Donating through the main page “5K Fourth Annual Challenge for SPF” (without creating an account). Click the faded out DONATE button.

(2) Register by Starting your own Fundraising Team, setting up your very own fundraising page by clicking the green START FUNDRAISING which leads to “Log in with a social network, or create a new account”

(3) Register by Donating to Team Accounts called Campaigns which have already been created by your family or friends. Search for Existing Campaigns by scrolling to the BOTTOM of this page. See below

CHOICES: Regardless of how you registered, donate $25, called a Registration Fee and each registrant receives a Race Bib showing support for #HSPandPLS 5K activities. The money raised will be used to fund medical research for #HSPandPLS.

CALL TO ACTION: Each participant paying $25 by August 6th will receive a downloadable, printable SPF LOGO Race Bib. Each participant (USA or International) that raises or contributes a total of $100 or more, includes registration fee, will receive a free SPF tshirt.

(1) Registration fees and donations in US$ can be submitted online to the website at (Select One-Time Donation; Apply to 5K Run, Walk, Ride or Roll).

(2) Donations can also be accepted through the Charity GoFundMe to the SP-Foundation at this link:

Cannot Run, Walk, or Roll? Then be creative by calculating the activity time you spend stretching, exercising, or working with a physical therapist. All the time can be converted into a 5K. The average person walks 3.1 miles in about an hour. Whatever you do for physical activity, count the time toward a 5K. Please check with healthcare professionals before doing anything new. Family and friends can help you raise funds by sponsoring your activities. Fundraising can be fun!

Help raise money for HSP and PLS medical research. Start a fundraiser TODAY to benefit Spastic Paraplegia Foundation though a 5K Run, Walk, Ride or Roll! Create a team by recruiting family, friends, and colleagues to participate. Help raise funds by challenging your friends and family to sponsor your activity time.

SPF CHALLENGES you to complete your fundraiser before, during, or soon after the #HSPandPLS Awareness Week from August 21-27, 2022. Take pictures, videos, and share your story with the media in your state, on social media using the hashtag #HSPandPLS and email us your videos or photos at so we can shout out your success. Do not forget to join us daily during Awareness Week at 1:00PM, CDT to show us your face and your challenge each day on SPF’s Zoom link. Mark your calendar for August 27 for the 5K Celebration & Awards for the highest fundraisers.

AWARENESS WEEK or to Register for the Zoom visit
For more information about the Virtual 5K Run, Walk, Ride or Roll visit

Don’t wait, get started! Make your plans. Gather your team. Help motivate others locally, across the country, and around the world, during our “I Challenge You” Awareness Week. Be healthy, have fun and raise money for medical research with Spastic Paraplegia Foundation. Please send any questions to See more details at

Raise and donate $100 or more to qualify for a free 5K shirt.

Please make sure you check with your healthcare professional before doing anything new. Be Safe!

The Team at Spastic Paraplegia Foundation.