Gretchen Egbert Sprouse

Gretchen Egbert Sprouse's Fundraiser

Help raise money for HSP and PLS medical research image

Help raise money for HSP and PLS medical research

DONATE today to benefit Spastic Paraplegia Foundation

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,000 towards $250

In memory/honor of my family members affected by HSP, I will run a 5K on 8/27/22.

Help us raise funds to find a cure for HSP and PLS through the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation.

#HSPandPLS Awareness Week is from August 21-27, 2022.

For more information about the Virtual 5K Run, Walk, Ride or Roll visit


Donate through my campaign by entering your info on the screen to the right or:

Donations in US$ can be submitted online to the website at (Select One-Time Donation; Apply to 5K Run, Walk, Ride or Roll).

Donations can also be accepted through the Charity GoFundMe to the SP-Foundation at this link: