Barbara Lawrence

Barbara Lawrence's Fundraiser

We can As we accumulate donations we can award grants recommended by our Scientific Advisory Board image

We can As we accumulate donations we can award grants recommended by our Scientific Advisory Board

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$75 towards $1,000

I have HSP = SPG4 that is Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia. I was 41 when I found out that had it. My father had it and other family members have it too. I lived life normally as many of us do. But now a day, month, or year, this disease will change my freedom (my husband has seen it happen). HSP affects people in different ways, and as a result, treatment programs will vary. Although there no way to stop, slow, or reverse the progressive disability of these disorders. I am doing this to help (USA), so we can have clinical Trial Drugs and more.

My goal is to work daily at the gym for 1 to 2 hrs for a month, this is very important to me.